
This is basically PHB with the added fun of the degree of success or failure affecting the price.


Appraise will be used todetermine the value of anything other than mundane goods and services. For simplicity, in this campaign gems are a form of currency with fixed value. Appraise will be used for jewelry, art, finely crafted items, any masterwork weapon or armor or anyything made of a unique material (ie Darkwood shield) or to put it another way, anything not appearing on the charts in the equipment section of the PHB.


Appraise DC's

 Magic Level  DC  Value Range
 None  12  50% - 150%
 Minor  20 (15 if identified)  50% - 150%
 Medium  28 (18 if identified)  40% - 160%
 Major  38 (22 if identified)  40% - 160%
 Artifact  50 (26 if identified)  30% - 170%
 over 40,000gp  70 (30 if identified)  30% - 170%



+2 Magnifying Glass (small objects)
+2 Merchant Scale (jewelry)
+2 Diligent Feat
+2 Dawrves with metal or stone
+2 If 5 ranks in Craft for that item



= to DC No modifier
 1-5 > DC +1 Seller adds these results
6 -10 > DC +2 Buyer subtracts them
 1-5 < DC - 1
6 -10 < DC - 2


DM rolls (in secret) 2d6+3 (+ or - result) x 10% to determine price. Percentage must not exceed range above. This will be the appraised value.



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