When we arrived i was happy to find that Dave had given us a great head start by sewing together the wing panels. I was even more thrilled to find that no one had found the great red,white and blue wings that had my name written all over them.






So i set to work sewing. Note the intense look of concentration. This is tough stuff!!






A few hours later ... voila! A gorgeous (and patriotic) kite. It was really great to take a class with Dave. He has made thousands of these and the experience really shows. I learned more good tricks in one saturday than i could have figured out on my own in years.



The result:

  Flies like a dream ! ! !


If you'd like to get one of these fine kites from Dave:

              Devotion to Motion

is Dave's kite shop. They sell his kites plus lots of other fun stuff.




Workshop photos courtesy of Phil Kalenowsky. Phil's a great quad line flyer and all around good guy from Reno. He's all over the web:

              Kites Plus

           Phil's Place


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